Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Charlee's Birth Story

The night before Charlee was born I knew she was coming- and soon.  In hindsight, I think I knew two days before and should have gone to the hospital that Tuesday, but I decided to just hang tight until our sonogram on Thursday, July 25.  I had been in and out of labor and delivery more times than I could count, and the last thing I wanted was to go in with the hopes of her arrival just to be sent home.  However, I was showing every sign of preeclampsia.  First, I woke up on Tuesday and could NOT get my wedding ring off.  After 20 minutes of tears and pulling on my finger, I got the ring loose but I had a very purple finger (my first sign- severe swelling in the hands).  The next morning I had major pain under my right rib- not just the kicking and typical pains that come with pregnancy... I am telling you- there was NO relief (my second sign).  I thought about asking Chris to take me into the hospital but again, my stubbornness said no.  I was not dilated much, and my contractions were very light, so I decided to just wait it out.  

Wednesday night Chris and I hung out with the dogs and watched movies, ate popcorn, and spent one last night as just me and Chris only.  I kept telling him I knew it was the last night, but he just kind of laughed it off thinking I was getting my hopes up.  When I woke up the next morning, I KNEW it was the day.  My face was HUGE- more swollen that I had ever seen it, (my third sign) and I knew that meant my suspicions of preeclampisa were more than likely true.  So I showered, straightened my hair, put on make up and had Chris take pics of me before we left the house so I could always remember the day Charlee entered the world.

On our way to the hospital- 38 weeks, 2 days

We got to the hospital, I got on the sonogram table and they said Charlee looked great.  Chris and I were so excited!  Then they came in to take my blood pressure and it was 170/110.... we knew then we weren't leaving.  They sent me immediately to Labor and Delivery and by the time I got downstairs my BP was 172/128.  My OB came in, examined me, confirmed I had preeclampsia, and decided we didn't have time to induce and let me go through labor, so we were having a C-section.  Luckily, I had prepared myself that this was a possibility because of my blood pressure, so I was okay with it.  Although I would have preferred to deliver a more natural way, I was going to do whatever it took to make sure Charlee and I were healthy. 

They took me into a Labor room where they would start me on some medicine, and get us prepared for delivery.  Much to my surprise, when the L&D nurse walked into the room, I recognized her from school, and we realized we actually went to middle school together and had numerous friends in common.  I was so thankful for April- she was the most fantastic nurse and it was comforting to know the person that was going to assist in delivering our little girl.  So April, THANK YOU.  You were amazing, and Chris and I are so thankful for you and your care that day.

Once I was in the room, they started me on Magnesium.  This was to prevent a seizure due to the high blood pressure.  I would receive it prior to the C-section and for 24 hours after delivery.  I also received some antibiotics and then the epidural.  I was not a fan of that!!  I guess when you don't actually experience true labor contractions, that is the worst part!  And then we were ready to meet our girl.

At that point, everything started moving in double-time.  I was wheeled down the hall, they numbed my legs and stomach, had me lay my arms out straight, Chris came in, held my hand, and next thing we knew, at 5:20 pm on July 25, 2013, we heard the sound of our little girl crying.  Our little miracle.  Our blessing from God.  Our creation- was finally here.  All 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long of her was finally here.  What I felt in that moment is hard to even put into words.  They laid her in my arms and Chris and I looked at her in amazement.  How could we, two imperfect people, make something SO perfect?  In that moment, my heart doubled in size.  I went from having one love of my life to having two loves of my life.  Chris and Charlee complete my world and give me more than I could have ever wished for myself.

There were about 20+ people waiting to meet baby Charlee so one by one everyone came in to meet her... it was so amazing the love and support we had there to welcome our girl, and watching all of our closest friends and family hold her and love on her brought me such joy.  Everything was perfect!!

And then things took a turn.

About half way through our friends coming in, my blood pressure started to go up.  It got to 232/115 at one point, and that is when my pain level also went up.  After Morphine, Tylenol through an IV, and Percocet, I was seeing no relief.  It was getting worse.  By this time, I was upstairs in my room, and I knew something was not right.  I kept telling my night nurse, Angie, that I was in severe pain.  No matter what they were giving me, the pain was excruciating.  Then around 3:00 am after hours of pain and no sleep, the nurse and Chris were standing over me discussing a new pain medicine when I felt something pop in my stomach.  It took me no less than one second to rip my hospital gown up and look down at my stomach to see what looked like was a softball sitting in my pelvis.  My stomach was like a rock, and it was huge.  I could tell in Chris' eyes that something was wrong.  The nurse actually had the nerve to say "I have never seen this before.  Can I please take a picture with my phone?"  Ummm... NO you can't!!  But what you can do is call my doctor and find out what is going on.  

After what seemed like forever, and me really starting to panic, we were told that I had a hematoma, which is a localized collection of blood outside of my blood vessels.  Because of my blood pressure, my body was having a hard time clotting, so as a result, my body formed a 10 inch by 6 inch hematoma across my lower abdomen, and they were going to have to go back in to drain the blood.  So here we go... back into surgery- at 4:30 am.  They went in through my C-section incision so the good news was that I would still only have one scar.  My doctor was great about comforting me and Chris, but this time Chris had to sit outside the operating room and wait.  Luckily my family was on their way so he did not have to wait alone.

The surgery went well, and they were able to get most of the hematoma, however once I was in the recovery room my blood pressure once again became an issue, this time dropping to 54/30 and I was no longer responding.  This went on for 10 minutes.  I was not responding and Chris was sitting there. Watching.  And freaking out.  I don't remember much, but I do remember when I came to, I lifted my head and could see Chris sitting in a chair with his head in his hands, and me asking "what happened?"  Chris came over and told me what happened, and I spoke to the doctor who told me they removed 4 liters of fluids from my body.  Four liters!  I had no idea the scary situation that I had been in- I had no idea how bad my body really took these two surgeries, and I had no idea how serious blood pressure really could be.  

16 staples later...

I am SO thankful for an amazing God that was watching over me that night/morning.  I am thankful for my amazing husband that has shown endless support and still continues to help me through my recovery.  I am thankful for my amazing friends and family and all of the love they have shown us during this time.  My parents and mother-in-law for running errands, bringing food, and helping us with anything and everything.  And to the wonderful doctors and staff for delivering our precious, perfect little angel, and for the wonderful care they showed me throughout two surgeries.  

To say I had a hard pregnancy would really be an understatement, but I would do it all over again for our little girl.  I am amazed at how much your heart can grow when you welcome a child, and how much your marriage can grow in that instant as well.  I love every second of being a mom.  EVERY.SINGLE.SECOND.  I may be biased because she is mine, but I think she is perfect.  Her blonde-ish brown hair, her blue eyes, her dad's pouty bottom lip- she is the perfect combination of me and Chris and I could not be more thankful.

I appreciate all of you sharing in our journey these last 10 months.  Your love and support helped us through pregnancy, 12 weeks of bedrest, several nights in the hospital, and two surgeries.  So thank you all.  The power of prayer is a wonderful thing, and we know we couldn't have made it through this journey without you all.  I look forward to you sharing in our new journey- our life as a family of three!!

We love you all!!
-Page, Chris and Charlee

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