Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It's just a phase... it's just a phase... it's just a phase (and repeat)

When Charlee was an infant I can remember praying, crying, begging, pleading to the man upstairs and/or anyone that would listen, and then praying some more for a good night's sleep.  Just for that one night of laying my head on a pillow when it was dark and not lifting it until it was light.

That day came around seven weeks.  And let me tell you I thought I had this parenting thing DOWN.  I would look at friends whose kids were not sleeping so good and feel almost guilty that Charlee was sleeping so well (and then I would silently pat myself on the back and thank the Lord that my child was a good sleeper)!!

Around her first birthday, people would comment on how much she smiled, how good she slept, what a great personality Charlee had, and they would all follow it up with, "Enjoy it now.  The terrible two's are just around the corner."  And I would think to myself "yeah right!! My kid?  The terrible two's?  No way. Not my kid."

Man, was I wrong!!!

Now as I stare in the mirror at the bags under my eyes, the wrinkles that are showing up on my face, and the gray hair inevitably sprouting on my head- I realize this stage/phase/year plus of a kid's life- is LEGIT.  And it is no joke, my friends!!

Here we are just two weeks into this "phase" and let me tell you- One of us isn't gonna make it through it.  And I'll be willing to bet it's me.

I am beginning to think some better names for this stage in life should be:

"Dear God, why is she screaming again and when will she realize she has no idea what she is mad about" phase?

"I hate everyone, and I like to draw on the walls, pull the dogs tail, and will cut you with my death stare" phase.

"I'm gonna throw myself on the floor and throw an epic shit fit for an hour because the gummies are gone" phase.

Or my favorite "It's my world now, and my parents just live in it" phase.

I mean, let's be real- the name terrible two's just doesn't do it justice!!

And then to add insult to injury, I remind myself that I am going to have to do this phase over again in another two years.!!!!!

It's a good thing she's cute... because that smile of hers can cure anything!!  Even my impatience with the terrible two's.

It's just a phase... It's just a phase.... It's just a phase.

An overly tired momma of a toddler!!

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