Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New life.... New blog

I use to blog.... a lot.  I loved it.  I have always loved to write but somewhere in the last year of my life I got away from it.  In fact, I got away from a lot of things.

When I started this blog, I was married, pregnant, had a house of my own and thought I was happy  and that I had it all together.  Little did I know that God had a few tricks up his sleeve, and was going to show me what living and happiness REALLY was.

Now- that is not to say that every day was easy.  In fact, there were many many days at first where it wasn't, but every day I got up and put one foot in front of the other and got through the day.  And now I can say I have come a LONG way, I have found true happiness, and this life I never imagined or planned for has been better than I could have wished for.  I have realized that happiness starts from within, and once you embrace that small piece, the rest just falls in place.

Rewind to eleven months ago----
I left my (ex)husband in December.  In an instant I became a 30 year old single mom to an infant living at her parent's house (I know, I know- every girl's dream).  But it was in the days that followed that I witnessed the greatest acts of friendship and love that I could ever have imagined.  Friends- old and new, and family- near and far, made sure I was okay...

And in time, I was okay. Now, almost a year later I am more than okay.

Do I have it all together all the time?  No.  But do I have to? No.

Some days I think I have this single mom thing down, and then Charlee throws her food at me, tells me "no" more times than I can count, and tries to ride the dog like he's a horse- and I realize I don't have it down at all.

But that's okay...

Every day is a new chaos.

Every day is a new challenge.

But every day is also amazing despite the chaos and challenges.

I can truly say I am more content and insanely happy at this current moment in life than I have EVER been.  I have the most amazing people surrounding me- some old, some new, and some that have returned and been reconciled.

In these last few months I have realized several things:
I have realized sometimes God will give you struggles and hardships and force you out of situations, so that He can provide you with the better life He planned for you.

I have realized a kind word or gesture can go a long way.

I have realized life is short.,  Love those that love you, and move on from the ones who don't.

I have realized life won't always be easy.  But it will always be worth it.

I have realized being a single mom at 30 and living at your parents house can somehow show you the path to happiest days of your life.

I have realized finding the good in every situation is the fundamental key to a happy life.

I have realized I am SO incredibly thankful for this last year.  For every moment- good and bad, because it made the most complete and healthy version of me I have ever been.

I have realized how to smile.  A genuine, pure smile- full of joy, full of content, full of life.  I hope everyone experiences that at some point in their life.

So.... that's why I decided to start a new blog.  It's a new life, a new blog, a new adventure- an adventure I am excited about.  I have amazing friends, the best family, a job I love, a God that never fails me, and a wonderful daughter that has shown me what life is really all about.

She has taught me to love deeper than I ever knew possible.  She has taught me a single toothless grin can change your whole day. She has taught me that cartoons and fruit snacks can dry up tears faster than anything.

She has also taught me that putting together fisher price toys can push your patience to the limits, and that changing clothes and putting toys away might make me the meanest mommy in the world.

And one of the key things she has taught me is that if she is whining.... then I'll just be WINE-ing!
